
The Holiday Gift Guide

IMG_6344 copyExclusive Collaboration Art, design and table top converge, to our delight, on the cover of The Holiday Gift Guide. The artist, Anna Church, is a sculptographer. Her work begs you to look closer. It is, at first a photograph, yet on further inspection, a still life of intricate detail. The Image looks effortless, yet it takes months, if not years, to gather the right elements and lay them down to be immortalized in a coveted print. As part of the Insignia series , she uses found objects to create over-sized crests. Ours includes Alessi, Michael Aram, Royal Crown Derby and L’Objet to name a few. All shopable online!

William Ashley / Anna Church from Vuk Dragojevic on Vimeo.

“I have a love of nostalgia,” says Anna as she describes her works in progress. “Creating service medals out of service pieces (trays and silverware) is a tribute to our unsung heroes of service.”

This New Zealand transplant is discovering our Canadian past, and sense of humor, while living among our Torontonian hipsters. In her new series, “Out of Time,” a taxidermy bison head is coiffed with a man-bun or a floral beard. It is this mix of high design and tradition that makes Anna such an easy addition to the William Ashley family.

We look forward to a continued partnership with Anna Church and hope that you will discover more on this talented artist by clicking through to the video or visiting us at 55 Bloor Street West, where her work is on display throughout the festive season.